Funeral for Tongatapu man believed to have died at sea

Fai putu e fāmili hili hono ta'ofi 'o e kumi ki he sino 'o e tangata Lapaha ta'u 34 ko Mikaele Keuli Moata'ane ne mole 'i tahi 'i hahake he 'aho 22 'o Sepitema'

Family members have hold a memorial service for the Lapaha man who went missing at sea and is believed to have drown in the east coast sea of Tongatapu.

Rescuers looking for Mikaele Keuli Moata’ane have called off their search.

Deputy Police Commissioner ‘Atunaisa Taumoepeau reportedly said the 34-year-old was diving with friends when he failed to surface.

His friends made it to shore, but Mikaele was still missing.

The Police-led search, which attracted friends, kāinga and locals to Ha’amalo beach since September 22 was called off on Wednesday last week.

Photos shared by Moata’ane family on Facebook showed the family have held a memorial service for Mikaele in their home.

Photos taken at sea showed family members holding bouquets of flowers and what appeared to be bottles of alcohol.

Another photos showed the flowers and the bottles were thrown into the sea apparently to bid farewell and said goodbye to Mikaele.

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