Nauruan national Julian Henrich who had been found guilty for the killing of Tongan student Sione Tufui will walk free after two years, a Fiji High Court Judge said.

Justice Salesi Temo said Henrich was a first time offender and he did not start the fight.

“I will not impose a non-parole which means you can be released after two years”, Justice Temo was quoted by Fiji Sun as saying.

The three year sentence came after two years of a brawl that involved Tufui and Henrich inside the Dragon Night Club in Suva.

Fiji Broadcasting News report said, “….some Tongan boys had thrown a broken beer bottle at Henrich, which hit his head”.

The fight continued outside the night club.

Fiji Village reports said Tufui was rushed to hospital where he later died.

Four other Nauruan nationals who were charged with Henrich had their proceedings terminated by the high court in March 2015 after the prosecution filed a formal notice of abandonment by the plaintiff or nolle prosequi.

The pathologist, Dr Kalougivaki told the court the cause of death was a result of brain haemorrhage which was caused by a blunt force trauma from the alleged assault and the presence of multiple traumatic injuries.

Henrich has 30 days to appeal his sentence.


  1. Kuo tauteaʻi ʻa e tokotaha Naulu ko Julian Henrich ne halaia ki hono tāmateʻi ʻo e tokotaha ako Tonga ko Sione Tufui, pea te ne ʻatā mai pe ʻi ha taʻu ʻe ua, ko hano fakahā ia ʻe ha fakamaau ʻi he Fakamaauʻanga Māʻolunga ʻo Fisí.

    Ne pehē ʻe Fakamaau Salesi Temo ko e fuofua faihia pe ʻeni ʻa Henrich pea naʻe ʻikai foki ko ia ne ne kamataʻi ʻa e fuhú.

    “Heʻikai ke u hilifaki ha fakaʻatā makatuʻunga talangofua ʻoʻou lolotonga hoʻo ngāué ʻa ia ʻoku ʻuhinga ʻeni ʻe lava ke tuku ange pe koe ʻosi ha taʻu ʻe ua,” ko ha fakamatala ia ʻa Fakamaau Temo fakatatau ki he lipooti ʻa e Fiji Sun.

    Ko e tautea ʻeni hili ia ha taʻu ʻe ua ʻo ha fuhu ne kau ai ʻa Tufui mo Henrich ʻi loto he fale hulohula Dragon ʻi Fisi.

    Fakatatau ki he līpooti ʻa e Fiji Braodcasting News naʻe tolongi heni ʻe he tamaiki Tongá ha foʻi hina pia ʻo tau he ʻulu ʻo Henrich.

    Ne fakaʻosi mai ʻa e fuhú ki tuʻa ʻo ʻohofi tokolahiʻi ai e he kau Naulú ʻa Tufui mo tā mo ʻaka.

    Pehē ʻe he līpooti ʻa e Fiji Village naʻe leleakiʻi ʻa Tufui ʻo toki mate ki fale mahaki.

    Ko e kau Naulu ʻe toko fā kehe ne fakaʻilo fakataha kinautolu mo Henrich ne ʻikai toe hoko atu hono fakamaauʻi kinautolú makatuʻunga ʻi ha fokotuʻu mei he kau polisí.

    Pehē ʻe he patolosisi ne ne sivi ʻa e sino ʻo Tūfuí, Dr Kalougivaki ki he fakamaauʻangá ko e tupuʻanga e maté mei he fānoa ʻa e totó he ʻutó ʻa ia ne tupu ʻeni mei ha meʻapeku ngalingali mei ʻohofi naʻe faí mo ha ngaahi lavelavea lahi.

    ʻOku ʻatā ʻa Henrich ʻi ha ʻaho ʻe 30 ke fakahū haʻane tangi ʻi hono tauteá.